Facts and figures

Facts and figures

We collect data about patent, trade mark, design, and plant variety rights application volumes. 

August 2023

IPONZ continues to watch filing volumes closely. We have produced a number of graphs comparing last month’s activity to the month previous, and the same month in the previous year relying on the submission date.

Trade mark filing volumes

This graph of trade mark filing volumes shows the number of classes applied for on national applications was 2868 in the month of August, down from 2932 in the month earlier, compared with 2819 in the same month in last year. The number of classes applied for on international applications designating New Zealand was 1979 in the month of August, up from 1508 in the month earlier, compared with 1941 in the same month last year. .

Trade mark filing volumes (New Zealand applicants)

This graph of trade mark filing volumes applied for by New Zealanders shows the number of classes applied for was 1840 in the month of August, up from 1784 in the month earlier, compared with 1870 in the same month in last year.

Patent filing volumes

Graph showing patent filing volumes

This graph of patent filing volumes shows the number of international applications received via the national phase of the Patent Cooperaton Treaty (PCT) was 401 in the month of August, up from 345 in the month earlier, compared with 447 in the same month in last year. The number complete applications submitted was 109 in the month of August, up from 107 in the month earlier, compared with 157 in the same month last year.

The number of requests to examine patent applications received in the month of August was 460, up from 342 in the month earlier, compared with 335 in the same month in last year.

Patent filing volumes (New Zealand applicants)

This graph of patent filing volumes applied for by New Zealanders shows that the number of complete patent applications applied for was 36 in the month of August, up from 28 in the month earlier, compared with 26 in the same month in last year.

Designs filing volumes

Graph showing designs filing volumes

This graph of designs filing volumes shows that the number of designs applied for was 157 in the month of August, up from 67 in the month earlier, compared with 137 in the same month in last year.

Designs filing volumes (New Zealand applicants)

Graph showing designs filing volumes (New Zealand applicants)

This graph of design filing volumes applied for by New Zealanders shows that the number of design applications applied for was 28 in the month of August, up from 21 in the month earlier, compared with 24 in the same month in last year.

Plant variety rights volumes

This graph of plant variety rights filing volumes shows that the number applied for was 18 in the period of three months to August, down from 26 in the three months prior to that, compared with 11 in the same three month period last year.

Application volumes - raw data

Application volumes for patents, trade marks, designs and plant variety rights since 2014 are available for download in the data sets below.

We want your feedback

We are considering improvements to this page. Please contact us regarding what other data fields and formats, over what time periods would be useful if provided regularly.

Requesting statistics

We can also provide other useful statistical data on request from our database. To make a request for statistical data, please use our online request service. We recommend that you make your request as specific as possible to allow us to respond more quickly. We may contact you to clarify or refine your request.

Request information under the Official Information Act 1982

Our data is also available via MBIE’s API services. The World Intellectual Property Organization’s Global Brands Database uses services like these for overnight updates to the New Zealand trade marks register data it uses.

API Services  Business.govt.nz

Global Brands Database  WIPO