Apply for a geographical indication

Apply for a geographical indication

Use this form to apply to register either a local or foreign geographical indication in New Zealand. Unless otherwise indicated, all fields are required.

Key information

Application name
Application languages
  • If the name uses non-Latin characters provide a version that uses the standard English alphabet.
    The translation should reflect the common English language description of the name.
Application location
  • Start typing the name or official country code to look up the country.
    If your GI spans more than one country list the other relevant countries.
New Zealand applications should be for new geographical indications. Foreign ones need to be already protected in another country.
GI type

Contact details

Applicant type
  • An NZBN is a unique 13 digit identifier allocated to businesses in New Zealand.
    This must be a New Zealand or Australian postal address, and will appear on the register.
    If this is an international number please include the country code, e.g. +62-1-123-4567
Applicant details
Usually this is a producer or an association of producers.
An NZBN is a unique 13 digit identifier allocated to businesses in New Zealand.
If this application has no agent, this must be a New Zealand or Australian postal address. It will appear on the register.
If this is an international number please include the country code, e.g. +62-1-123-4567
Your reference number for this application.


You need to attach a file document as evidence.

Attach files by dropping them in here, or [browse your computer]

The documentation should be uploaded in a single .pdf file.  If you wish to upload multiple files, upload the first file here and use the second upload box for any subsequent files. For more information on what to include read our guidelines.

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Attach files by dropping them in here, or [browse your computer]

The geographical data file should be uploaded in a single archive format file such as .zip and must contain data in an approved format. For more information on preparing your geographical data read our guidelines.

Your browser does not support HTML5 uploads. Please update to a newer version.

Attach files by dropping them in here, or [browse your computer]

Upload your documentation in one or more .pdf files. For more information on what to include read our guidelines.

Your browser does not support HTML5 uploads. Please update to a newer version.

The documentation should be uploaded in a single .pdf file.  If you wish to upload multiple files, upload the first file here and use the second upload box for any subsequent files. For more information on what to include read our guidelines.
The geographical data file should be uploaded in a single archive format file such as .zip and must contain data in an approved format. For more information on preparing your geographical data read our guidelines.
A fee of $5000 will be charged for this application. We will contact you to arrange payment later.
You need to complete all required questions before you can submit your application.