Using the geographical indications register

Using the geographical indications register

The GI register lists all geographical indications registered in New Zealand, as well as applications and proposed registrations.

The geographical indications register lists all geographical indications (GIs) applied for or registered in New Zealand. These include:

  • New Zealand GIs for wines or spirits, including the three enduring New Zealand GIs
  • foreign GIs for wines or spirits.

Geographical Indications Register

The register also lists European Union GIs (EU FTA GIs) that are protected in New Zealand as a result of the New Zealand - European Union Free Trade Agreement.

The register may also include proposed registrations of additional EU FTA GIs which are considered via an examination and opposition process.

European Union Geographical Indications and changes to legislation

Enduring GIs

An enduring New Zealand GI is a permanent GI which can’t be altered or removed from the GI register, and doesn’t expire. There are three enduring New Zealand GIs:

  • New Zealand
  • North Island
  • South Island. 

GI status

The GI Register will display the status of each GI application or registration. These statuses fall into two categories:

  • Live – these statuses reflect either registered GIs (for which usage rules and restrictions apply), or GIs that may become registered in the future. Live statuses include “Filed”, “Proposed EU GI”, “Under examination”, “Accepted”, “Abeyance”, “Pending final determination”, “Registered”, “Registered by Treaty”, “Under opposition”, “Abandoned – continued processing available” and “Expired but restorable”.
  • Not in force – these statuses reflect GIs for which usage rules and restrictions do not apply. Not in force statuses include “Expired”, “Cancelled”, “Removed”, “Withdrawn”, “Abandoned” and “Rejected”.

Using the register

Filter results

You can control the results you see on screen using the following filters.

You can use the tabs at the top of the register to show GIs by origin:

  • Selecting the NZ tab will display only New Zealand GIs.
  • Selecting the Overseas tab will display only foreign GIs or EU FTA GIs.

You can also use the “More filters” options at the side of the register to adjust your results display further.

Under “Type”:

  • Selecting the Wine option will display only wine-related GIs.
  • Selecting the Spirits option will display only spirits-related GIs.
  • Selecting the Other option will display only GIs that are neither wine- nor spirits-related.

Under “In force”:

  • Selecting the Live option will display only GIs that are live.
  • Selecting the Not in force option will display only GIs that are not in force.

Under the “Part” drop-down box, you can select any of the following options to filter your results by displaying only the appropriate section of the GI register:

  • Part 1: Enduring will display only the Enduring New Zealand GIs.
  • Part 2: Registered will display only New Zealand GIs and foreign GIs applied for and/or registered in New Zealand.
  • Part 3: International will display only overseas GIs registered as part of international trade agreements. These do not include EU FTA GIs.
  • Part 4: EU FTA will display only registered EU FTA GIs, together with any proposed registrations of new EU FTA GIs which are currently being considered.

Sort the list

You can sort any list of GIs as follows:

  • North to South (only available if you select the NZ tab )
  • Alphabetical
  • Recently updated.

View GI details

You can click the IP Number of a GI to visit a page that contains only this GI.

Some GIs in the register have additional details attached to their entries, which may include notifications, related GIs or other supporting documents. You can click the View full details link for that GI to see these additional details.

Download register

You can use the Download Register button to download a copy of the Gi register. This will save an XLSX file to your computer that reflects all entries in the GI register as of the current date.

You can also use the Print option to print the current contents of the GI Register page to either a printer or a PDF file, depending on the options in your internet browser. If you have selected any filters, this will display only those results that match your filter settings.

Return to the full register

Use the Clear all filters option to return to a full list of GIs.

Searching for GIs

The GI register filters currently do not allow for searches of specific GIs. However, the Search option from the main menu of this website will include GI register entries in its search results.

Details page

If a GI has additional details attached to its entry, these can be viewed in a details page for that GI. The details page for each GI (except enduring GIs) contains the following information:

  • the GI’s name and intellectual property (IP) number
  • the type of product to which the GI relates
  • the GI’s status
  • any conditions of use that are proposed, or which already apply
  • copies of the documentation relating to the GI
  • the registrant or applicant’s name and address (if applicable)
  • the agent’s name and address (if applicable)
  • the GI’s history
  • (for New Zealand GIs) a map of the area covered by the GI, and a list of any local GIs that fall wholly or partially within the area of the GI
  • (for foreign GIs) the country or countries of origin where the GI is protected, and any translation and transliteration of the GI’s name.

The details page for New Zealand and foreign GIs (not including EU FTA GIs) will also allow registrants, applicants or their agents to make changes to the GI’s information, subject to the GI’s status.

Maintain a geographical indication

The details page can also be used by interested parties to request a hearing or file a proceeding in relation to:

  • a New Zealand GI
  • a foreign GI
  • an EU FTA GI proposed for registration after 1 May 2024.

Geographical indications hearings