Māori IP

Māori IP

Māori culture and traditional knowledge is a unique New Zealand taonga (treasure) — central to our national identity.

IP Mātauranga Māori

IP Mātauranga Māori

Mātauranga Māori (most commonly translated as Māori knowledge) encompasses the body of knowledge originating from Māori ancestors. It includes the Māori world view and perspectives, as well as Māori creativity and cultural practices including Te Reo, the Māori language.

Intellectual property rights help ensure that Māori culture and traditional knowledge is recognised and respected. It also gives rights to benefit commercially while preventing exploitation or inappropriate use.

New Zealand’s patent and trade mark laws include specific provisions for the protection of mātauranga Māori. These provisions help prevent the registration of trade marks or granting of patents that would be considered offensive by Māori or contrary to Māori values.