

Have a new, cool, or novel design you would like to register? Find out everything you need to know to get started below. From what a design is, through to how to apply, we have compiled a basic intro to registered designs for you.

What is a design?

A design registration protects the unique features of a shape, configuration, or pattern of an object. It is the visual, or external, design of an object that is protected. A registered design cannot be only functional, it has to appeal to the eye by the way it looks too.

It is important you do not publish or share your design idea before you have applied for your registered design.

Design rights can last for up to 15 years.

resero image designs page quote

"IP set us apart as real innovators in our sector. It has allowed us to maintain that position and given us greater credibility with our customers"

– Hamish Whyte and Helen Jones - Resero

Search for existing designs

Searching for an existing design before making an application is a good idea. It can save you time and money, and can also provide inspiration or historical information.

Search for existing designs

How to apply for a design

Check if your idea can be registered as a design

Make sure that your design idea meets the requirements to be registered. A design must be new or original to be able to be registered. You may want to do a search to see if the design you’re thinking of has already been applied to items similar to yours. An intellectual property professional can help search existing designs and write the application.

Prepare your application

Your application should include a statement of novelty and must include representations for your design. These are drawings or pictures that clearly show your design applied to your articles, from multiple views or perspectives. You will need as many representations as necessary to show the full extent of your design.

File your application

File your application in our case management facility or through your IP professional. You will need to provide your representations and decide who the owner of the design will be.

Wait for a response from your examiner

Most design applications are examined within 15 working days. Your examiner will notify you if they find any issues that prevent your design from being registered, and will give you an opportunity to respond to these issues.

Get your certificate of registration

If your examiner finds no issues with your application, your design will be registered. A certificate of registration will be made available for your design, and its registration will be advertised to the public.

Find out more about the designs application process

Examples of designs

shoe designs about ip


NZ design: 430231


bottle designs about ip

A bottle

NZ design: 419817

Owned by: The Coca-Cola Company

light shade designs about ip

Pendant light shade

NZ design: 427208

Owned by: David Trubridge Limited

Ready to get started?

Apply for a design