Updates to the Patents Examination Manual

Updates to the Patents Examination Manual

IPONZ has updated its Patents Examination Manual to clarify our practices when examining the contents of a complete specification, and in relation to computer programs.

We have recently updated the following sections of our Patents Examination Manual.

Section 39: Contents of complete specification

We have expanded and clarified our guidelines around unity of invention that are outlined in this section of the examination manual.

These changes specifically relate to the approach we follow when determining if there is more than one invention claimed under a single patent application. Our practice is consistent with international guidelines under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

Section 39: Contents of complete specification

Section 11: Computer programs

We have updated this section of the examination manual in response to results from recent proceedings. These changes clarify our practices in relation to situations where a claimed invention involves a computer program.

Section 11: Contents of complete specification

Published on August 20, 2024