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Getting permission
Permission to use a copyright work must be obtained from the owner or someone they have authorised. This may include a publisher, manager or licence agency.
The Journal
Codes for the classification of data
Key patent information is followed by a number. These numbers are called "INID codes". (“INID” is an acronym for I CIREPAT (ICIREPAT - International Cooperation in Information Retrieval among Examining Patent Offices) N umbers for the I dentification of D ata).…
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Plant Variety Rights
Maintain a Plant Variety Right
There are a number of things you can do to maintain a PVR application you have filed, or a granted PVR you own.
News and updates
The Journal - March 2016
The March 2016 edition of the Journal is now available. To view the sections of the journal select the link below: Patent, Trade Mark and Design applications and registrations .
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Trade marks
Practice guidelines
Relative grounds - Prescribed words and abbreviations
Guidelines on section 22 of the Trade Marks Act 2002. These Guidelines do not constrain the judgment and discretion of the Commissioner of Trade Marks, and each application will be considered on its own merits.
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Patents Act 1953
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Trade marks
Trade Mark Hearings
Invalidity of registration of trade mark
Any aggrieved person may apply to have a trade mark registration declared invalid, based on specific grounds provided by law.
News and updates
Welcome to the new IPONZ website!
This website is the leading source of information about Intellectual Property (IP) in New Zealand. It is used by a wide range of individuals and businesses, from beginners who don't know about IP and those who know a little but need support, to experienced agents and…
News and updates
Decisions of the Commissioner – July 2022
Decisions of the Commissioner issued in july are now available online.