About us
IPONZ grants and registers intellectual property rights in New Zealand.
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Public use of copyright works
There are specific requirements around the public use of music and film. In these cases, the copyright owners are still entitled to be asked for permission on the use of their work.
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Searching existing patents before making an application is a good idea. It can save you time and money, and can also provide inspiration or historical information.
News and updates
IPONZ closed for Wellington Anniversary Day – 25 January 2016
14 January 2016 IPONZ’s office will be closed for business on Wellington Anniversary Day, Monday 25 January 2016. Our website will remain available throughout this period. Please note the following important considerations: If the deadline for filing an application or…
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Trade marks
Practice guidelines
Flags, armorial bearings, state emblems etc
Guidelines on whether relative grounds exist for refusing registration of a trade mark. In particular, this document concerns the relative grounds for refusal stipulated in sections 27-30 of the Trade Marks Act 2002. These Guidelines do not constrain the judgment and discretion of the Commissioner of…
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Patents Act 1953
Examination of patent applications
Contrary to morality | Raising objections under section 17(1) The practice note of 2008 entitled Contrary to morality | Raising objections under section 17(1) has caused some confusion with respect to the nature of what would and would not be objectionable under section 17(1) of the…
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Practice guidelines
Historical practice guidelines
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Trade marks
Trade Mark Hearings
Security for costs
Section 167 A party to a trade mark proceeding who believes the other side may default on any award of costs may request that the Commissioner make an order for security for costs. Under section 167(1) of the Trade Marks 2002 the Commissioner may…
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Trade marks
Practice guidelines
Technical focus group
The purpose of the Trade Marks Technical Focus Group (TFG) is to provide a forum for communication between IP specialists, frequent filers, and client representatives and IPONZ in relation to the provision of intellectual property services in New Zealand. The Group meet to: -…
News and updates
Kiwi Business Boost launches in the Hawke’s Bay 11-21 November
Business.govt.nz launches Kiwi Business Boost in November 2019, starting in the Hawke’s Bay.