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Expedited examination for patent applications

Get IP Patents Apply Expedited examination for patent applications
You can request for us to examine your patent application ahead of its expected schedule. In these instances, you will need to provide documents justifying your request.

Павликени (Pavlikeni) 4043

Get IP Geographical indications Register Павликени
  • Wine
  • Bulgaria

Danablu 4094

Get IP Geographical indications Register Danablu
  • Other
  • Denmark

Ostpreußischer Bärenfang 4145

Get IP Geographical indications Register Ostpreußischer Bärenfang
  • Spirits
  • Germany

Ελιά Καλαμάτας (Elia Kalamatas) 4196

Get IP Geographical indications Register Ελιά Καλαμάτας
  • Other
  • Greece

Ληλάντιο Πεδίο (Lilantio Pedio) 4248

Get IP Geographical indications Register Ληλάντιο Πεδίο
  • Wine
  • Greece

Πλαγιές Κνημίδας (Playies Knimidas) 4300

Get IP Geographical indications Register Πλαγιές Κνημίδας
  • Wine
  • Greece

Τύρναβος (Tyrnavos) 4351

Get IP Geographical indications Register Τύρναβος
  • Wine
  • Greece

Córdoba 4402

Get IP Geographical indications Register Córdoba
  • Wine
  • Spain

Montilla-Moriles 4453

Get IP Geographical indications Register Montilla-Moriles
  • Wine
  • Spain

Trade Mark Check Trade Mark Check

See if a trade mark like yours already exists on the NZ Register.
Trade Mark Check

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