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Showing results 851-860 of 3785

Tihany / Tihanyi 5729

Get IP Geographical indications Register Tihany / Tihanyi
  • Wine
  • Hungary

Tiroler Speck 5780

Get IP Geographical indications Register Tiroler Speck
  • Other
  • Austria

Lagoa 5831

Get IP Geographical indications Register Lagoa
  • Wine
  • Portugal

Dealurile Zarandului 5886

Get IP Geographical indications Register Dealurile Zarandului
  • Wine
  • Romania

Pelinkovec 5940

Get IP Geographical indications Register Pelinkovec
  • Spirits
  • Slovenia

Moral and performers' rights

Get IP Copyright Moral and performers' rights
Moral rights and performers’ rights are associated with copyright works, and are often referred to as ‘personal rights’ to show that they are independent from the copyright that exists in the work itself.

Trade mark fees

Get IP Trade marks Fees
Here you will find the current schedule of fees for trade mark services.

Prepare to apply for NZ Office of Origin trade marks

Get IP Trade marks International Prepare to apply for NZ Office of Origin trade marks
To apply for an international application using the Madrid Protocol, you must have a New Zealand trade mark application or registration.


We offer an IPONZ API (Application Programming Interface) that allows you to build software that connects directly to the IPONZ system. For more information on this API, please visit the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment API platform. IPONZ API —…

Patent fees

Get IP Patents Fees
Here you will find the current schedule of fees for patent services.

Trade Mark Check Trade Mark Check

See if a trade mark like yours already exists on the NZ Register.
Trade Mark Check

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