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Showing results 121-130 of 3779

Policy on plant material ownership

About IP Plant Variety Rights Technical guidance Policy on plant material ownership
Key principles PVRO provides effective communication with variety owners with respect to the use of plant material and DNA profiles. PVR acknowledges that plant material should only be made available to any party, other than the variety owner, in such a way that the legitimate…

The Journal - October 2016

News and updates The Journal - October 2016
The October edition of the Journal is now available. To view the sections of the journal select the links below: General Information Patent, Trade Mark and Design applications and registrations

Geographical indications fees

About IP Geographical indications Fees
All fees relating to geographical indications.

Registrar may obtain advice

About IP Geographical indications Practice guidelines Registrar may obtain advice
If the Registrar thinks it necessary, they may obtain advice on, and may consult about, any matter relating to an application for the registration of a GI, including opposition to an accepted application, or the registrability of a GI.

Central Otago 1007

About IP Geographical indications Register Central Otago
  • Wine
  • Otago, New Zealand
Central Otago - A geographical indication for wine registered with the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ).

Baker Gramercy

Case Studies Baker Gramercy
Registering their trade mark early meant Baker Gramercy’s brand was protected as their reputation for authentic, fresh-baked goods took off.

Decisions of the Commissioner – March 2019

News and updates Decisions of the Commissioner – March 2019
Decisions of the Commissioner issued in March are now available online.

The Journal - October 2019

News and updates The Journal - October 2019
The October edition of the Journal is now available.

Decisions of the Commissioner – February 2020

News and updates Decisions of the Commissioner – February 2020
Decisions of the Commissioner issued in February are now available online.

Amendment of description, claims and drawings of Treaty applications

About IP Patents The Patent Examination Manual Amendment of description, claims and drawings of Treaty applications
Introduction 1. This guideline outlines IPONZ consideration of amendments of the description, claims and drawings made to Treaty applications prior to entry into national phase. 2. The following amendments to Treaty applications may be made during the international phase: the correction of…

Trade Mark Check Trade Mark Check

See if a trade mark like yours already exists on the NZ Register.
Trade Mark Check

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