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Showing results 301-310 of 3781

Spoleto 5560

Get IP Geographical indications Register Spoleto
  • Wine
  • Italy

Val di Cornia 5611

Get IP Geographical indications Register Val di Cornia
  • Wine
  • Italy

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 5662

Get IP Geographical indications Register Vino Nobile di Montepulciano
  • Wine
  • Italy

Kunság / Kunsági 5713

Get IP Geographical indications Register Kunság / Kunsági
  • Wine
  • Hungary

Kremstal 5764

Get IP Geographical indications Register Kremstal
  • Wine
  • Austria

Azeites do Ribatejo 5815

Get IP Geographical indications Register Azeites do Ribatejo
  • Other
  • Portugal

Banat 5866

Get IP Geographical indications Register Banat
  • Wine
  • Romania

Vinars Vaslui 5924

Get IP Geographical indications Register Vinars Vaslui
  • Spirits
  • Romania

Istarski pršut / Istrski pršut 5975

Get IP Geographical indications Register Istarski pršut / Istrski pršut
  • Other

Creative sector study – Survey of creative sector participants

News and updates Creative sector study – Survey of creative sector participants
MBIE is undertaking a survey as part of its ongoing study of the creative sector. This survey is open to copyright holders, copyright licensees and copyright contributors who work in the creative sector.

Trade Mark Check Trade Mark Check

See if a trade mark like yours already exists on the NZ Register.
Trade Mark Check

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